What makes Tiktok distinct from other social media sites is its overall structure and how it approaches information sharing and socializing. Tiktok is actually similar to Youtube where users are akin to artists and upload the content that they have created.
Since the videos are so short, some Tiktok posts are actually so witty that they eventually become trending. When a post is “trending”, it implies that a post is so popular that it has made rounds on Tiktok and probably other content sharing websites. For seasoned Tiktok users, knowing trends is a must when it comes to traversing the popular social media application.
The usual trends on Tiktok are dances and funny skits. So, it is quite surprising that Tiktoks about financial advice are trending right now. tik tok came under hashtags like “personalfinance”, “fintok”, “moneytok”, “financetok”, and “howtoinvest” where there are currently millions of uploaded content already. It is definitely a breath of fresh air from the usual content that is mainly aimed for entertainment and clout. The wide platform of Tiktok, where a variety of content can be shared, is a great opportunity to educate people especially the youth about various topics including financial literacy.
The financial advise trend is not just limited to basic money saving because you can also watch more complicated subjects like stock markets, retirement funds, and other kinds of investments. In order to see distinct topics, you can click the hashtags “investors”, “stocks”, “financialliteracy”, “money”, “dividends”, and “edutok” for more specific financial advice topics.
For example, user marktilbury, a pretty popular Tiktok user with over six million followers expanded his channel by giving financial advice such as “stock secrets for beginners”, “4 places your money needs to go to”, and “how to beat credit cards”. Some of the topics that Mark Tilbury discuss are “stock secrets for beginners”, “4 places your money needs to go to”, and “how to beat credit cards” which might seem trivial for some but you would be surprised how a lot of people know so little about these things. You would be surprised how many people are still unaware of credit card schemes that racks them up in complete debt. Mark Tilbury is a pretty interesting Tiktok content creator because he is, in a manner of speaking, quite old.
Humphrey Yang, also known by his 1.6 million followers as humphreytalks, also gained popularity by exclusively sharing his knowledge on finances. What makes Humphrey different from Mark Tilbury is that his content is more complex, addressing terminologies like the GameStop occurrence, taxation, limit orders, ETFs, stock prices, and other jargons that are largely unknown.
The great thing about social media applications is that they are not confined to a box and their purpose can be expanded. The great thing about Tiktok is that you can share your content and the information that you want people to know in less than 60 seconds.